The headquarter of Azad Jammu and Kashmir is?
A. Poonch
B. Srinagar
C. Islamabad
Pakistan Current Affairs MCQs
Current Inspector Generals (IGs) of Police in Pakistan
PAKISTAN AFFAIRS QUIZ Current Affairs of Pakistan MCQs
Here, you will find Pakistan Current Affairs MCQs. All MCQs will be taken from the latest tests and other sources. Both Current affairs and Pakistan affairs are the crucial subjects in CSS. Therefore, Pakistan and its currents issues must be learn test for govt members.
A. Poonch
B. Srinagar
C. Islamabad
A. March 23, 1956
B. 8 June 1962
D. 7 September 1966
A. March 23, 1956
C. 14 August 1973
D. 7 September 1966
B. 8 June 1962
C. 14 August 1973
D. 7 September 1966