Nanga Parbat is the famous mountain range of?
A. Karakoram range
B. Himalaya range
C. Hindu Kush range
D. Sulaiman range (more…)
Pakistan Current Affairs MCQs
Current Inspector Generals (IGs) of Police in Pakistan
PAKISTAN AFFAIRS QUIZ Current Affairs of Pakistan MCQs
Here, you will find Pakistan Current Affairs MCQs. All MCQs will be taken from the latest tests and other sources. Both Current affairs and Pakistan affairs are the crucial subjects in CSS. Therefore, Pakistan and its currents issues must be learn test for govt members.
A. Karakoram range
C. Hindu Kush range
D. Sulaiman range (more…)
A. Central Styles Sheets
C. Cascading Style Sheets
D. Cyber Super System (more…)
A. 5th February
C. 21st March
D. 23rd March
submitted by: FaRan
A. 5th February
B. 8th March
C. 21st March
submitted by: FaRan
A. 21st February
B. 8th March
C. 21st March
Here in this post, you would All Most Important MCQs Repeated Question Answer For FPSC, PPSC, KPPSC, SPSC, NTS, etc. All these question answers are taken from Repeated MCQs Past Papers of various exams of FPSC BPSC KPSC SPSC PPSC and NTS etc. These General Knowledge MCQs of Nts, Fpsc, Kppsc, Ppsc, Spec are very important to score high in any admission or job tests throughout Pakistan.