Where ozone layer lies from the earth surface?
A. 10 to 20 km
B. 20 to 30 km
C. 30 to 40 km
D. 40 to 50 km
In physics, Sir Max Planck got noble prize in 1918 for his work on?
A. electron
B. energy quanta
C. photon
D. positron (more…)
A Clock that moves with the velocities comparable with the velocity of the light, runs?
A. fast
B. slow
C. equal to the velocity of light
D. with zero velocity (more…)
RADAR captures which rays?
A. Infra-Red Rays
B. Radio Rays
C. Ultraviolet Rays
D. Dense Rays (more…)
A stakeholder is anyone who
A. Will purchase the completed software system under development?
B. Stakeholders are anyone who has an interest in the project
C. Project stakeholders are individuals and organizations that are actively involved in the project
D. Any whose interests may be affected as a result of project execution or project completion