Here, you may find CSS Optional Subjects MCQs. If you want to prepare MCQs of optional subjects, CSS MCQs platform is here to serve you while preparing your MCQs portion of your CSS Exam. Please practice these CSS Optional Subjects MCQs on a daily basis.

If the Kinetic Energy of a body is increased by 300%, how much will its momentum increase?

A. 50%

B. 100%

C. 150%

D. None of these


Which Scientist first explained about circulatory system?

A. William Harvey

B. John Nicholson

C. Robert Hooke

D. Theoder schwann


Which cells have least regeneration capacity?

A. Cell of brain

B. Cell of heart

C. Cell of kidney

D. Cell of spleen


بابائے اردو” کس شخصیت کو کہا جاتا ہے”

A). مولوی عبدالحق

B). مرزا غالب
C). غلام عباس
D). احمد ندیم قاسمی
