Important Pak Study MCQs
Most important Pak Study MCQs are given here, These Pak Mcqs are asked in each and every test repeatedly. These are gathered from various tests. In which FPSC, PPSC, KPPSC, SPSC, NTS, PTS and UTS etc include.

QUESTION: What is the meaning of Pakistan?
ANSWER: Holy Land
QUESTION: When the name ―Pakistan‖ was first used and by Home?
Ans. On (28 Feb 1933) by ―Chaudry Rehmat Ali‖.
QUESTION: What is the Governmental Name of Pakistan?
Ans: ―Islamic Republic of Pakistan‖ ―Islami Jumori Pakistan‖.
QUESTION: Who designed Pakistan‘s national flag?
ANSWER: Ameer-ud-din Khidwai
QUESTION: Which military alliance had Pakistan as its member?
QUESTION: Which is the national animal of Pakistan?
ANSWER: Markhor
QUESTION: Which is the national bird of Pakistan?
Ans: Chakor
QUESTION: Name the capital of Pakistan.Ans. Islamabad.
QUESTION: What is the Area of Pakistan?
Ans. 796096 sq km.
QUESTION: What is Area of Islamabad?
Ans: 906 km.
QUESTION: Name the Highest place/peak of Pakistan.
Ans: K-2 Mountain.
QUESTION: Name the lowest (down) place in Pakistan.
Ans: Karachi.
QUESTION: How is Pakistan‘s film industry known?
ANSWER: Lollywood
QUESTION: Which is the longest and biggest river of Pakistan?
Ans: River of Sindh. It is km2
QUESTION: Which are the popular rivers‘s of Punjab?
Ans: Jhelum, Ravi, Sutlej, and river of Chenab.
QUESTION: Which are the popular rivers‘s of Baluchistan?
Ans: River of Hangeul, Bolan, Zhob and river of Pishin.
QUESTION: Which are the popular rivers‘s of KPK?
Ans: River of Swat, Kabul, Kunhar, Gomel and river of Punjgur.
QUESTION: Which is the national language of Pakistan?
QUESTION: According to population which is the largest city of Pakistan.
Ans: Karachi.
QUESTION: According to population which is the smallest city of Pakistan.
Ans: Ziarat.