Percentage MCQs are very important for CSS, PMS & All Other Competitive Exams. Almost, every testing agency asks many questions in their MCQs test from the portion of Percentage. Therefore, one should practice a lot the questions of Mathematics different parts, Aptitude questions and that of percentage questions.

Important Questions of Percentage
Here, some important percentage questions are given with their solutions
What is 2% of 400?
A. 40
B. 15
C. 8
D. 12
Tax Inspector-16
What is 3.4% in fraction?
A. 34/10
B. 34/100
C. 34/1000
D. 340/100
Tax Inspector-18 (Lhr)
If 70% of students in a school are boys and the number of girls is 504, the number of boys is:
A. 1630
B. 1176
C. 1276
D. None of these
Labour Officer-16
30% of 100 is equal to 3% of:
A. 300
B. 500
C. 750
D. 1000
Tax Inspector-18 (Fsd)
If 30% of a number is 12.6. Find the number.
A. 45
B. 38
C. 40
D. 42
Tax Inspector-18 (Fsd)
18 is 75% of which value?
A. 34
B. 24
C. 22
D. 20
Asst. AH-18
Adil’s daily wage is Rs. 250 after increment of 25%. What was his daily wage before the increment.
A. Rs. 150
B. Rs. 200
C. Rs. 180
D. None of these
AD Labour Welfare-17
A number is increased by 20% and then decreased by 20%, the final value of the number
A. Does not change
B. Decreased by 2%
C. Increased by 4%
D. Decreased by 4%
Labour Officer-16/SI PCD-17

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