English synonyms questions
51. Affray: a tumultuous assault or quarrel; a brawl.
52. Aficionado: a fervent admirer; a fan.
53. Aficionado: an enthusiastic admirer; a fan.
54. Aggrandize: to make great.
55. Aggrandize: to make or make appear great or greater.
56. Aggress: to make an attack.
57. Aggress: to make an attack.
58. Aggress: to make an attack.
59. Agitprop: propaganda.
60. Agog: in eager desire.
61. Agog: in eager desire.
62. Agog: in eager desire.
63. Agon: struggle; conflict.
64. Agon: struggle; conflict.
65. Agrestic: pertaining to fields or the country.
66. Alacrity: a cheerful readiness, willingness, or promptitude.
67. Alacrity: a cheerful readiness, willingness, or promptitude.
68. Alacrity: cheerful readiness, willingness, or promptness.
69. Alfresco: outdoors; outdoor.
70. Alfresco: outdoors; outdoor.
71. Algorithm: a step-by-step procedure for solving a problem.
72. Alpenglow: a reddish glow seen near sunset or sunrise on the summits of mountains.
73. Amalgam: an alloy of mercury with other metals; also, a mixture.
74. Ambit: circuit or compass; also, sphere of action or influence.
75. Ambit: circuit or compass; also, sphere of action or influence.