When Kashmir Martyrs Day (Youm e Shuhda e Kashmir) is celebrated ?

a) 5th February

b) 13th July

c) 6th November

d) 31st July

On 13th July 1931, Kashmiris across the line of control pay to 22 martyrs who sacrificed their lives during completion of Azan (call for prayer) in Srinagar. It was the time of Dogra rule and people protested against their atrocities during which Abdul Qadeer Ghazi was arrested. On 13th July, 1931 , court in Srinagar was hearing the case for prosecution but thousands of Kashmiri Muslims gathered outside the court in order to show sympathy towards Abdul Qadeer. It was Zuhar prayer time and a Muslim stood up for Azan, however Dogra police opened direct fire and he was martyred. In order to complete Azan another brave Muslim stood up and started from where 1st had left. He was also martyred. During this procedure of completing Azan, 22 brave Muslims sacrificed their lives. So Kashmiris remember this sacrifice every year on 13th of July.

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