In Surah Kahf, which animal is mentioned along with Ashab-e-Kahf?

a) Cat

b) Horse

c) Dog

d) Camel

In Surah Kahf, Dog is the animal mentioned along with Ashab-e-Kahf. It is the 18th surah of the Holy Quran and has 110 verses in it. This surah narrates the story of pious young men who fled prosecution and sought refuge in a cave where Allah protected them for many years. This surah is Makki, and it is in Para number 15. There are some other stories in this surah. One story is about an arrogant wealthy person who ignored the duties towards Allah. Another story is of Prophet Moses encounter with Hazrat Khizar (A.S). The fourth story in this Surah is about a pious King who was very honest and liked helping people. Whoever memorizes the last ten verses of Surah Al-Kahf, Allah will protect him from Dajjal. It will be a source of light for someone who recites it, on the Day of Resurrection.

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