English MCQs by CSS MCQs
English Grammar MCQs by CSSMCQs
MCQs of English Language
Here, you can find English Mcqs for Preparation FPSC, NTS, KPPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA and some other tests. You will have English grammar lessons and MCQs quizzes in its all categories. MCQ in Quiz FPSC, KPPSC, PPSC and SPSC are given in this section MCQ of English language.

Besides, NTS GAT and CSS vocabulary words are often asked in every competitive exam updates in our website with the due passage of time. As in every test these days there is a specific portion of English MCQs. Therefore, English MCQs play a very vital role in the preparation of CSS, PMS and all other job exams.

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The green supernova is still __________ cosmetologist , as it has never been seen clearly , making it impossible to study its nature .

A. Admiring for

B. Enigmatic to

C. Dangerous to

D. Famous among


Sajid appears to behave __________ , actively helping class fellows to have their home assignments done .

A. Aggressively

B. Rudely

C. Cooperatively

D. Suspiciously


A rumor that the corporation was closed to the _________ caused panic among his creditors and stockholders .

A. New venture

B. Bankruptcy

C. Dividend declaration

D. Annual BOD meeting


The applicant answered tough question with ________ candor winning over many interviewers who had previously supported his rival .

A. Planned

B. Impatient

C. Unintentional

D. Disarming


It was difficult to imagine Fatima _________ women as a psychiatrist, listening while others talked was not her style .

A. A talkative

B. A cheering

C. A smiling

D. Aaggresive
