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What is the scientific study of soil called?
a) Petrology
b) Pedology
c) Zoology
d) Entomology (more…)
What is the study of birds called?
a) Anatomy
b) Botany
c) Zoology
d) Ornithology (more…)
What is the study of poisons called?
a) Toxicology
b) Anatomy
c) Radiology
d) Geology (more…)
What is the study of earthquakes called?
a) Geology
b) Pedology
c) Petrology
d) Seismology (more…)
What is the study of bugs and insects called?
a) Histology
b) Dermatology
c) Entomology
d) Taxonomy (more…)
What is the medical study of the skin called?
a) Anatomy
b) Biology
c) Histology
d) Dermatology (more…)
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