For what purpose Muslim League changed its manifesto in 1913?

A. Became hostile towards the British

B. Demanded self-government suitable for India

C. to remain aloof from Indian politics

D. To criticise and oppose the Hindu community


Arya Samaj was founded in 1875

A. To protect the interest of India

B. To revive and reform Hindusium

C. To cooperate with the British Government

D. To be a social organization working for the good of the poor


Who seconded the Pakistan Resolution from Punjab?

A. Nawab Muhammad Ismail

B. Dr. Muhammad Alam

C. Abdul Hameed khan

D. Syed Zakir Ali


Who was the first president of All India Muslim League?

A. Sir Saleemullah

B. Nawab Waqar-ul-Mulk

C. Sir Aga Khan

D. Sir Adamjee Pir Bhai
