Pak Study MCQs CSSMCQs
Pakistan Studies MCQs
In this section, you will get Mcqs of Pakistan Studies for NTS, FPSC, PPSC, SPSC, CSS, PMS Test Preparation. Basic Information About Pakistan Here are the Different Categories related to PakStudy Mcqs. From past since 1947 to the current time all Pak Study MCQs by CSSMCQs will be shared.
Most important Pak Study MCQs are given here, These Pak Mcqs are asked in each and every test repeatedly. These are gathered from various tests. In which FPSC, PPSC, KPPSC, SPSC, NTS, PTS and UTS etc include.
Important Pak Study MCQs
QUESTION: What is the meaning of Pakistan?
ANSWER: Holy Land
QUESTION: When the name ―Pakistan‖ was first used and by Home?
Ans. On (28 Feb 1933) by ―Chaudry Rehmat Ali‖.
QUESTION: What is the Governmental Name of Pakistan?
Ans: ―Islamic Republic of Pakistan‖ ―Islami Jumori Pakistan‖. (more…)