Biology MCQs
Biology MCQs by CSS MCQs
Biology MCQs by CSSMCQs
Here, you will find all Biology MCQs with their Answers. These MCQs of Bio would help you gain higher marks in entry tests of  FPSC, PPSC, KPPSC, SPSC, NTS, PTS, OTS, CTS, MDCAT, ECAT, ETEA, NUMS and all other entry tests preparation. These MCQs will help you get better marks in every kind of job or university admission tests. Our focus will be on the fundamental level of the Biology course. However, advance level of Bio main branches Zoology and Botany MCQs will also be shared with their correct answers. For other subject’s MCQs Click HERE

Which cells have least regeneration capacity?

A. Cell of brain

B. Cell of heart

C. Cell of kidney

D. Cell of spleen


Pollen grains in Plants are produced in

A. Stem
B. Roots
C. Leaves
D. Flower (more…)

How many pairs of homologous chromosomes are present in pisum sativum?

A. Seven pairs

B. Eight pairs

C. Nine pairs

D. Ten pairs


Lignin could not be expected in which part of the plant cell wall:

A. Secondary cell wall

B. Middle lamella

C. Cell membrane

D. Primary cell wall


Which statement about thylakoids in eukaryotes is not correct?

A. Thylakoids are assembled into stacks

B. Thylakoids exist as a maze of folded membranes

C. The space sorrounding thylakoids is called storma

D. Thylakoids contain chlorophyll


The usual position of the two centrioles in relation to each other is at right angle in:

A. Higher plant cell

B. Lower plant cell

C. Animal cells

D. Both (a) and (b)
