Pakistan Affairs (pakmcqs) Solved MCQs
Here, you will find Pakistan Affairs that is solved pakmcqs. These Pakistan affairs Solved MCQs are very important for every test of Pakistan. As most of the questions are already asked in different tests of Pakistan. Therefore, it is necessary to go through all these MCQs of Pakistan studies.

⇒ 01. When did Quid-e-Azam take oath as first Governor-General of Pakistan?
A. 14th Aug 1947
B. 15th Aug 1947
C. 16th Aug 1947
D. 17th Aug 1947
⇒ 02. Who became first Prime Minister of Pakistan?
A. Liaquat Ali Khan
B. KhWaja Nazimuddin
C. Mohammad Ali Bogra
D. Ghulam Mohammad
⇒ 03. Collectively hoW many Governor Generals ruled over Pakistan?
A. 02
B. 03
C. 04
D. 05
⇒ 04. When did Pakistan become member of United Nations?
A. 15th Aug 1947
B. 30th Aug 1947
C. 15th Sep 1947
D. 30th Sep 1947
⇒ 05. Which country opposed Pakistan’s membership in United Nations?
A. India
B. Russia
C. Afghanistan
D. Malaysia
⇒ 06. Who Was last Governor General of Pakistan?
A. Quaid-e-Azam
B. KhWaja Nazinuddin
C. Ghulam Mohammad
D. Iskander Mirza
⇒ 07. Which country Was paid an official visit by the first Prime Minister of Pakistan in 1950?
A. Saudi Arab
B. Iran
C. America
D. China
⇒ 08. Which country accepted Pakistan first?
A. Iraq
B. Indonesia
C. Iran
D. India
⇒ 09. When Liaquat Ali Khan Was assasinated?
A. 16th Oct 1951
B. 17th Oct 1951
C. 18th Oct 1951
D. 19th Oct 1951
⇒ 10. Who became second Prime Minister of Pakistan?
A. Choudhry Mohammad Ali
B. KhWaja Nazimuddin
C. Mohammad Ali Bogra
D. Malik Feroz Khan Noon