Question with answers to Letter A


101.  Apogee: the highest point.

102.  Apogee: the highest point.

103.  Apogee: the highest point.

104.  Apologia: a formal defense or justification.

105.  Apologia: a formal defense or justification.

106.  Apologia: a formal defense or justification.

107.  Apostasy: desertion or departure from one’s faith, principles, or party.

108.  Apothegm: a short, witty, and instructive saying.

109.  Apothegm: a terse remark, conveying some important truth.

110.  Apotheosis: a model of excellence or perfection of a kind.

111.  Apparition: a ghost; also, an unexpected appearance

112.  Apparition: a ghost; also, an unexpected appearance.

113.  Apparition: a ghost; also, an unexpected appearance.

114.  Appellation: a name, title, or designation.

115.  Appellation: a name, title, or designation.

116.  Apposite: being of striking appropriateness

117.  Apposite: being of striking appropriateness.

118.  Apposite: of striking appropriateness and relevance.

119.  Apprise: to give notice to; to inform.

120.  Apprise: to give notice to; to inform.

121.  Apprise: to give notice to; to inform.

122.  Approbation: formal or official approval; also, praise.

123.  Approbation: formal or official approval; also, praise.

124.  Appurtenance: an adjunct or accessory.

125.  Arbiter: one having the power of judging and determining.

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